
Online Map Collection

In 2006 Sligo County Library commissioned digital cartographer, Mr. Rainer Kosbi, to create an interactive map website, which would be of great interest to teachers, students, archaeologists and anyone interested in the history of Sligo. This enabled users to explore, without charge and from their own home, every town-land in the county as it appeared before Famine times and to discover the existence and explanation of any antiquities in that townland.

For this purpose each sheet of the Library’s 1837 Ordnance Survey County Sligo maps was sent to Dublin to be painstakingly restored and digitised. Afterward, all the county’s townland names and sites of archaeological interest were listed and amalgamated into an extremely user-friendly database.

In 2009 Sligo Library decided to update this system, adding the newly digitized unique 1659 Downs Survey Maps of County Sligo to our 1837 O.S Collection. The name given to this newly integrated maps system is Mapbrowser. Once again developed by Rainer Kosbi, it is an alternative to the old SVG maps system. MapBrowser will run in the majority of browsers.